Joao Mauricio’nun Çeşitli Sokak Sanatı Çizimleri

Portekizli sokak sanatçısı Joao Mauricio sosyal sorunlarına değinen bir çalışma ortaya çıkarmış. Joao Mauricio çevre sorunları, insan yaşamının sosyal yönleri ve diğer önemli sorunlara dikkat çekmek için çalışıyor. Yapmış olduğu çizimlerde kendi ülkesindeki sosyal sorunlara dikkat çekmeye çalışmış.
“Violant is the pseudonym of the Portuguese street artist Joao Mauricio, whose street art topics are so varied that is hard to understand what is the main subject of his work.
As many other masters of street art, Joao Mauricio aka Violant is trying to draw attention to environmental issues, social aspects of human life and other important problems. Most of his drawings are in his home country. He prefers the central part of the country, which is dominated by small towns and villages—often abandoned and half emptied. Some of the projects are made in collaboration with a friend of his, Regg. These works are marked by tags of both authors.”