Kelimelerin Simgesel İfadelere Dönüşmesi

Biz çocukken harfler ile eğlenceli oyunlar oynardık. Harfleri sıralar bozar rastgele kelimeler oluşturarak eğlenirdik. Sonraları harfler kelimelere, kelimeler cümlelere, cümleler düşünceler dönüştü. Ve hayat boyunca insanlar doğaçlama bile yaparken harf ve kelimelerle oynamaya devam etti. Ji Lee de bu felsefeden yola çıkarak kelimeleri, logo ve simgelerin ifade şekillerinde oynamalar yaparak onları tipografi ve simgesel yollarla anlatmaya çalışmış. Bu ilginç ve güzel çalışmayı aşağıdan incelemenizi tavsiye ederiz.
“When we were children, letters were like fun toys. We played with them through our building blocks. We colored them in books. We danced and sang along with TV puppets while learning C was for “cookie.” Soon, letters turned into words. Words turned into sentences. Sentences turned into thoughts. And along the way, we stopped playing with them and stopped marveling at A through Z,” says Ji Lee, the author of Word as Image.
Word as Image invites you to see letters beyond their utilitarian dullness. It’s about discovering the magic behind the unique shapes and infinite possibilities of letters and words. “